{"success":"1","message":"success","firstData":[{"choose_us_id":"4","title":"About Us","des":"

Mr Niranjan Bisural is an experienced mortgage consultant with specialization in assisting first home buyers and property investors. He has helped over 250 families and approved more than 100M worth of home loans.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Niranjan has obtained master’s in information technology from the University of Ballarat Australia. After graduation he has been working in managerial position in different organization in Sydney. Niranjan completed his B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Tribhuvan university Nepal as migrated to Australia to pursue his further career.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Niranjan has completed diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking management and started his career as home loan consultant from 2017. Niranjan has passion of exploring new ideas and Niranjan Loves to spend time with his family and exploring new places when he has some time.<\/p>\r\n","first_head":"","second_head":"","third_head":"","fourth_head":"","fifth_head":"","sixth_head":"","seventh_head":"","eighth_head":"","nineth_head":"","tenth_head":"","eleventh_head":"","tweleveth_head":"","status":"1","cur_date":"2021-07-05"}]}